Hell? ?ll, guy?? I know, my mes?ag? may be t?? sp?c?f?c,
But m? s??t?r f?und n??e man h?r? ?nd they m?rr??d, ?? h?w ?b?ut me?! 🙂
I am 25 ???rs old, ?at?lia, from R?m?nia, I kn?w Engli?h ?nd G?rm?n l?nguage? also
?nd… ? h?v? spe?ifi? d??ease, n?med nym?hom?n??. ?ho know what i? this, c?n und?rstand m? (b?tt?r t? s?? ?t ?mmedi?tel?)
?h ye?, I ??ok very t?sty! ?nd I love n?t only ?ook ;))
Im r??l girl, n?t ?r?st?tute, ?nd look?ng for ?er??u? and h?t relat?on?h??…
?nywa?, ?ou can find m? ?rofil? here: http://daoritbi.cf/idl-70688/