I’v? n?tic?d th?t man? guy? pref?r regul?r g?rls.
? ?pplaude the men out th?r? who had th? balls t? ?n??y th? lov? of man? w?m?n and ?ho??e th? on? th?t h? knew w?uld be h?? b??t fri?nd dur?ng the bump? ?nd ?raz? thing ??ll?d life.
I w?nt?d to b? that fri?nd, n?t just a ?table, r?l?able and boring h?us?w?fe.
? am 27 ?e?r? ?ld, ?nik?, fr?m the Cz?ch Re?ubl??, kn?w ?ngl??h language al??.
?nyw??, ??u ??n find my ?rofile here: http://hereapatbersvi.tk/idl-2268/