?erh??? my m?s?age ?? t?o ?pecif?c.
?ut my older s?ster f?und a w?nderful man h?r? ?nd the? h?ve ? gr?at rel?tion?h??, but what ?b?ut me?
? ?m 27 ???r? old, ?s?bell?, fr?m th? ?z??h Re?ubl?c, know ?ngl??h langu?g? als?
And… b?tter to say ?t immedi?t?l?. I ?m b?s??u?l. I am n?t ??al?us of ?n?ther w?man… e??eciall? ?f w? m?ke l?ve t?gether.
Ah ???, I c?ok ver? tasty? and ? l?v? not onl? co?k ;))
?m real g?rl and lo?k?ng for s?rious ?nd hot r?l?tion?h??…
Anyway, you can find m? ?rof?l? h?re: http://plicirbitloss.tk/usr-68688/