??rha?? my me???g? ?? to? sp?c?fi?.
?ut m? old?r sister found a w?nd?rful man h?r? ?nd the? h?v? a gr?at rel?t??nshi?, but wh?t about me?
I am 25 y??rs old, ?l?na, fr?m the Cz??h R?public, know ?ngli?h l?ngu?ge ?l??
?nd… better t? ??? it ?mmed?atel?. ? ?m bi???u?l. I am n?t j??lous ?f ?n?th?r wom?n… espec??ll? if we m?ke lov? tog?th?r.
?h y??, I co?k very ta?t?? ?nd I l?ve n?t ?nl? ??ok ;))
?m re?l g?rl and lo?k?ng for s?riou? ?nd h?t r?l?ti?n?h?p…
Anywa?, y?u ?an find m? prof?le here: http://terberntracom.tk/item-44004/